The issue:
The COVID-19 crisis is now in its second year and it is clear that COVID-19 has changed university/college sports in Canada forever. Suddenly. That is the new reality.
While there are broad issues relating to the impact of COVID-19 on student-athletes that need to be addressed, such as what is the impact on future funding of university/collge athletics and should canadian universities/colleges be in the business of sports (or are there alternatives), there are also more immediate issues to be dealt with.
One of the most urgent questions is what are the implications of a delay in vaccinations on student-athletes and more precisely to the 2021/22 year?
The young adult demographic is likely to be among the last vaccinated as there are other demographic groups who are more at risk.
What are the implications of student-athletes not being vaccinated prior to September, or in 2021 at all? Conversely what re the implications if student-athletes are vaccinated prior to September? Does everything go back to "normal", or some degree of normal? These questions need to be asked now before it is to late and we reach a point where a decision is made once again to cancel sports before every possibility is explored.
Student-athletes need a voice - an independent voice to ask the tough questions now and make their voice heard.
The Canadian Student-Athlete Association is the needed independent voice to do just that.
New ideas, new models and new thinking are what is needed to deal with this new reality and protect the interests of student-athletes.
As we move forward, the Canadian Student-Athlete Association will be working to give student-athletes an independent voice relating to the impact of a delay in vaccinations on student-athletes/2021/22 sports.